Tuesday, January 26, 2010


This is a bit overwhelming. One of my fellow bee sisters suggested that I start blogging and here I am. But geesh!! Where do I start? Do I go back and start from the beginning or do I start from here?

Hmmm...questions, questions. Anyway, I'm happy to be here it seems that everyone is blogging these days.

A little about me. I'm a 30 year old daycare owner who is getting married to my Prince Charming on June 19th, 2010. I've always loved everything that has to do with weddings. From as far back as I can remember, I've always had a passion for planning them. It's my dream to own a second hand bridal shop and there I'll also offer my services as a planner.

I've done several weddings in the past including my own mother's so, I knew that planning my own would come easy to me.

So here I am.....and here begins my rantings. I'll try and go back and take you through the step by step process without boring you half to death.

1st post...complete! Success!!

Thanks crebre80!


  1. Waving! Hey girlie!! I actually started my own company with a story that was similar to yours. I think you should go back and do all of your diy posts, you rock!!

  2. welcome to the blog world!!

  3. Lol...thanx Mocha!! It's so wierd calling you that when I've always called you cb! ha ha! I'm gonna get started really soon.
