Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Princess for The Princess

You have now entered my proposal story.....

July 18th, 2009 was a normal day. It was a Saturday and J worked and I did my Saturday work around the house. Our son was with my mom for the evening.

After finishing my house work, I got dressed and sat and waited for J to get off of work because taking a walk down at the lakefront was our Saturday night thing to do. When he got home, he was figity but I didn't think anything of it because we hadn't even discussed getting engaged or anything so, that was the farthest thing from my mind.

We get in the car and he is eerily quiet. He usually has a million and one things to tell me when he gets home from work. I realize now that he was playing the whole situation out in his head a hundred times before we got there. I finally asked him if he was ok because he wasn't to talkative. He responded by telling me he was fine just a little tired. Me being me, I told him that we didn't have to go for the walk, we could just go home and go to bed but he was adament about going which confused me.

We get to the spot were we take our walks and there's this part that you can walk out on that over looks the lake so he takes me by the hand and guides me that way. So he's holding me in his arms, we just stand there quietly and the he starts to talk....

"Baby you know your the best thing that's ever happened to me. I think I love you more than I love myself. You complete me. You showed me how to have a family of my own, how to be responsible, how to share and not be so selfish, how to commit, how to love. Feeling the love that I have for you, I now know that I didn't know what love was til I met you. You have given me so much but the greatest gift you've ever given me is our son. The two of you are my world (he's moving to face me at this time). That is why (getting down on one knee, tears beginning to fall as I finally realize what's happening) I want you to be my wife. Will you marry me?"

It was the most beautiful thing! So perfect! And of course I said yes cuz well here we are but I just wanted to share.

And now for My Princess:


  1. ohmigosh I'll admit I got a little teary reading that. I know Mr. B said great things but I don't actually remember any of them cuz my brain went to mush. That's a really sweet story. ;)
